Desalination - Projects & Trends

Namibia Approves CGN’s Landmark Desalination Project to Address Water Shortages

September 2024

Desalination - Projects & Trends

Namibia Approves CGN’s Landmark Desalination Project to Address Water Shortages

September 2024

China General Nuclear Power Group (CGN) has received the green light from Namibia's government to construct the country's largest seawater desalination plant in collaboration with the national water corporation.

The project, which will be undertaken by CGN's local subsidiary, Swakop Uranium, and Namibia Water, is set to break ground this year, with completion targeted for the end of 2026. Once operational, the plant will produce 20 million tons of water annually, significantly addressing Namibia's water shortages, particularly in its central and western coastal regions. The facility will play a vital role in supporting industries like mining, stimulating job creation, and driving economic growth.

This initiative is a key component of the China-Namibia Belt and Road Initiative, underlining China's position as Namibia's largest export market and a major source of foreign direct investment. CGN's Husab Mine, a uranium project entirely funded, constructed, and managed by the company, represents China's largest physical investment in Africa.

Last year, the Husab Mine contributed NAD8.6 billion (USD485.6 million), or 3.6 percent, to Namibia's GDP. Namibia, the world's third-largest producer and exporter of natural uranium, benefits significantly from this venture.

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