Upgrading Works at The Scigliati Plant
In the heart of the Campania region, the Consorzio di Bonifica di Paestum (Paestum Land Reclamation Consortium) strives every day to mitigate the negative impacts of drought, aware that increasing water reserves is no longer an option, but a necessity. The Consortium is actively engaged in protecting, managing and preserving water, a fundamental resource for the life and development of the entire community. To date, the area covered by the activities includes the Sele reclamation site, comprising the Picentino, Tusciano, Asa, Fuorni, Fiumarella, Capo di Fiumarella and Solofrone basins (including the minor coastal areas to the right and left of the Sele river), as well as the lower part of the Sele basin, from the confluence of the Tanagro river to the sea. Through a combination of